Friday, April 25, 2008

One-Act Plays and a Classroom Visitor

Soon I was off to the gymnasium where I sat in the bleachers to watch three one-act plays performed by the drama club. The plays were really entertaining, and the actors were very talented. Two thumbs up! Here I am waiting for the show to begin.

I practiced some reading skills, math, and science. Then it was time for recess and lunch. Today was Hot Lunch Day. Hmmm...rigatoni or a hot dog?

I continued learning more about early American history in social studies and then enjoyed a visit from one of the parish priests who spoke about Holy Orders and studying in Uganda and Kenya. Here I am with Father and my friends in 5B.

At the end of the day, I sat in on a session at which many of the teachers were learning extra features to use with Easy Grade Pro. Here I am giving the teachers some tips.

Tomorrow is Dress Down Day. The fifth graders look forward to that two times a month!

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