Friday, November 21, 2008

Wizard Of Oz play

Hi everyone,

On Thursday night I went to see a presentation by the SJS drama club. They presented their version of The Wizard of Oz.

They have been practicing their lines and working on the acting. The play was funny especially the part when the wizard used the umbrella as the ball of fire. My favorite part was when Belinda, the Wicked Witch of the West, came out with her cats and the Winkies. One of my friends was a Winkie and was a good witch assistant.

I think that they did a great job. Today they had to do the play again for the school. If I was there I would have been nervous to go on the stage. But they were very professional and did a very good job even though some of them had to ask the prompters for their lines.

Here are some pictures from the play:

Hanging out backstage
good I got my seat to see the play

I got a progam on who is in the play

I was lucky to get on stage before the show starts

I had so much fun going to see the play. I can't wait to go to Gettysburg and after make cookies or go to a hockey game.

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